Meet Jess

Do you spend more energy thinking about the kind of life you want to live and the kind of person you want to be than you do actually experiencing it? Well then, like most people, you’ll notice you live more in your mind than you do in reality. How so? Because the real reality is you can experience anything you desire! That’s not just a nice concept, that’s a truth. Fear, shame, self-doubt, judgement, self-loathing, blame, justification are all constructs of your limited mind.

So, if you’re a mind-dweller here’s some good news… the person you wish to be is only one decision away; and then another decision, and another – until soon enough you’ll wake up and be amazed at the person staring back at you.

That’s what happened to me.

I realised after years of living my life on purpose and designing my own (sometimes unconventional) life blueprint, that I had found the key to happiness and meaning… living a deliberate life. Not a life of comparison, or of expectation, or of people-pleasing, or of slotting into societal conventions – but a life of my choosing.

Before this realisation I was always chasing the ever elusive “potential” I felt I had until one day it dawned on me… my potential had no end! I could never actually “reach it”, and neither can you! Why? Because our true potential is that we are the sole creators of our own experience. Know this, there is nothing we want that we can’t have.

My name is Jess, and my SOUL-purpose is to help people move from the debilitating inaction that comes from the minds self-criticism and doubt, to the liberating freedom and opportunity that comes from alignment with the soul.

I believe self-acceptance and love to be the key to wellness and success in every form. I believe change isn’t hard; getting to the point where you’re truly READY to change is the hard part. Indecision is hard. Hopelessness is hard. Self-hate is hard. But when you’ve had enough of surviving and are ready to experience being ALIVE – it’s actually quite simple. And that’s exactly what I’m here for…

Are you ready to MEET YOURSELF?

Jess xx