What people are saying about Jess

Her Perception of What’s Needed is Remarkable…. I’d never needed help before and was sceptical of the pharmaceutical route. Jess was recommended to me from a friend. As a regular tradie kind of bloke this was all new to me. Jess has a very easy manner but underneath, her depth of knowledge and perception of what’s needed is remarkable. I needed help in understanding where I was at and how to improve, I wasn’t looking for sympathy or a shoulder. One of Jess’s many qualities is her ability to give you enough to work on without any overwhelm. We would meet every week to start with and over time that would eb and flow depending on my progress. What I learned in my sessions with Jess will never leave me and has laid the best foundations to a great future, purely through raising my awareness of myself and my perception of everything around me. "A good teacher will show you where to look and not what to see" could have been written about Jess Cameron. Forever Grateful

Jamie Wattam
Orchid Island Golf and Beach Club, Orchid FL

Jess Will Get the Most Out of You…. Jess has such a gift, and has really helped me overcome some personal blockages in my life and really helped me expand my mind. Jess genuinely cares about her clients and you can feel that in each and every session. She is full of knowledge, patience and will get the most out of you. Jess has changed my life and I have no doubt she will change yours as well. I could not recommend Jess enough.

Holly Power
Orchid Island Golf and Beach Club, Orchid FL

The Best Decision I’d Made This Year…. As a guy who finds it difficult to speak openly with friends about how I'm feeling, I was encouraged strongly to see Jess who came highly recommended. I was dealing with some personal challenges that became very overwhelming. Once I realised that I was depressed, I finally agreed to see Jess and booked a course of sessions with her. I can honestly say, it was the best decision that I'd made this year. Which led to a number of other big changes in my life including a switch in career, an improved relationship with my wife and children and a renewed relationship with myself both physically and mentally. Jess is extremely easy to talk with, and made me feel comfortable to open up about some deeply complex and personal topics. Never at any point did I feel judged or uncomfortable. I am still on a journey and working through behaviours and habits that have been formed over many years, and I'm not sure the journey of self discovery ever ends, but so far Jess has greatly helped by providing me with the tools to self-explore and navigate my way through. Thank you Jess, I cannot speak highly enough of your professionalism.

Jimmy Corbett
Orchid Island Golf and Beach Club, Orchid FL

One of the Best Things I Have Ever Done…. You are never too old to learn and implement new ideas and habits. Being in your own business is fantastic as you get to control your destiny, and at the same time being in business can be crippling. You are constantly thinking about where the next order is coming from, have you got enough cash to cover the bills and put food on the table. My anxiety levels never drop below 5 and more often than not are sitting around 8. Of course you put on a brave face for the family and friends - you are a man, you are the bread-winner, you can't be seen to be weak! So I gave this mind coaching a go and it is one of the best things I have ever done. Learning simple techniques has helped to overcome, reduce and control my anxiety levels. Yes, I still get anxious but I now have the tools to work through things reducing stress levels. Whenever I need to have a chat and reboot, I simply book another session with Jess. I have recommended Jess to a few people now and will continue to do so!

Earl Mathieson
Orchid Island Golf and Beach Club, Orchid FL

The First Time I Felt Heard and Understood…. 15 years of different therapists, coaches, diagnoses, feeling voiceless and thanks to Jess it was the first time I felt heard and that someone finally understands me, which when you don't understand yourself is a liberating feeling. When I first met with Jess it was about work and managing that, never did I think I would end up on a path of self-discovery and healing, which was what I actually needed. The way she is able to give her perspective and help you see things in a way you never did before is inspiring. Jess’ approach and genuine care makes you feel at ease and comfortable in her presence, you feel like you have a friend you could tell anything to without judgement. Jess certainly has a gift and what she has been able to help me with so far is invaluable. If you are thinking about seeing her, just do it, you would have nothing to lose and so much to gain. I’m still only at the beginning of my journey with Jess and I could never thank her enough.

Tyla Laskey-Vella
Orchid Island Golf and Beach Club, Orchid FL

I’ve Never Met Anyone that Has a Higher Level of Emotional Intelligence…. I've had the privilege of knowing Jess for the past two years after we met at a business convention on the Gold Coast. I can confidently say I have never met anyone that has a higher level of emotional intelligence than her. Not only does she have the ability to recognise and identify certain traits and characteristics in people, but the ability to communicate it at such a high level that people not only understand, but accept, and therefore start making changes not just within their business but their personal life as well. Jess has had a huge impact on me and consequently my business, as she's helped me identify some of my limiting beliefs which restricted business growth, and also helped identify what drives me as a person to live the lifestyle I wish to live. Not only is she a great business associate, but a good friend, and I couldn't recommend her highly enough.

Daniel Sadler
Orchid Island Golf and Beach Club, Orchid FL

Jess’ Material and Delivery Is One of the Best…. I have been in the sales industry for 7 years and got the opportunity to work alongside Jess for over a year now. She is a good listener, inspiring speaker, who has a caring personality and understands people’s emotions. I've seen a lot of public speakers through my journey and have to say Jess’ material and delivery is one of the best. She has helped my business every time its needed and has been able to deliver results quickly. She has definitely played a key part in the success we have achieved.

Atul Khullar
Orchid Island Golf and Beach Club, Orchid FL

Incredible Ability to Really Listen and Understand Situations…. Jess has helped guide me through many personal and professional challenges in the short time I’ve known her. She has an incredible ability to really listen and understand situations, as well as offer practical advice. I’ve been blessed to have her as a Leadership Coach who has given me some very useful skills and advice in many different situations.

Jacob Dawood
Orchid Island Golf and Beach Club, Orchid FL

I Am Much More Confident In Who I Am…. Sometimes in life you meet people that leave an impression on you and for me that was Jess Cameron. After feeling connected and inspired by attending one of Jess’ conferences, I felt comfortable to approach Jess about challenges I was having in my life. Since then I have drastically turned around my mentality and the way in which I respond in critical conversations. Taking on board her advice I am so much more confident in who I am and what I do, and why I have so much intensity behind my actions. This was a massive thing for me to actually be able to say what I want without being overwhelmed and defensive. Thank you Jess for your kind words, but also for being real and not just saying what I wanted to hear but actually listening to what I said and inspiring me to make a change.

Michelle Mortimer
Orchid Island Golf and Beach Club, Orchid FL

Her Ability to Articulate the Human Behaviour is Truly Incredible…. What can I say? Jess is one of my absolute favourites. I have had the pleasure to share the stage with her on various occasions and she will always be the main topic of conversation after the event. Humble, empathetic and one of the biggest hearts I know, if you are unsure of WHY you do what you do, or how to get more out of yourself or your business, you have found the perfect guru. Her ability to articulate the human behaviour is truly incredible to observe.

Julian Van Der Waal
Orchid Island Golf and Beach Club, Orchid FL

One of The Most Inspirational and Influential Speakers…. I have worked with Jess for over 2 years and in my experience Jess is one of the most inspirational and influential speakers I have ever worked with. Her ability to control a room, to inspire people to lift the limits of their daily restrictions is unbelievable. Her approach and quick wit towards mindset and state is clear, and makes logical sense to allow clear actions required to take you or your business to the next level. The value she has added to my company has been invaluable.

Cody Hambleton
Orchid Island Golf and Beach Club, Orchid FL

Her Genuine Approach to Helping People is Amazing…. I only spend a handful of times in the company of Jess throughout the year but when I do, what a time it is! As a coach her genuine approach to helping people is amazing. What she talks about always gets people thinking on their toes. As a speaker she connects with people - her conviction behind everything she says truly grabs people, and as a student I admire all the work she does!  

Steve Mabin
Orchid Island Golf and Beach Club, Orchid FL

Inspirational…. When Jess speaks, the audiences mouths gently open in wonderment and awe. Her content is infallible and her delivery is inspirational.

Kara Dive
Orchid Island Golf and Beach Club, Orchid FL

Jess Is Incredibly Gifted…. Jess has a presence about her which is so warm and kind. Not only can you relate to her, she is refreshingly honest and will give you the tough love needed at times to help you reach your goals. Her resources and knowledge is rock solid, and she just knows me and exactly what I need at any given time, which has helped bring so much success in my life and business. I am thrilled and very lucky to have her in my life as a friend/coach/mentor. Jess is incredibly gifted and I’m so happy to have known her these past 4years.

Leanne Platt
Orchid Island Golf and Beach Club, Orchid FL

Her Support and Knowledge Is Priceless…. I have had the privilege of working with Jess Cameron for a couple of years and the support and knowledge she has been able to give to me is priceless. The work I have done with Jess not only helped me to identify what my values truly are and what drives me, but also helped me to build my business unit and to really understand the needs of the contractors working with me. She has a beautiful heart and her energy and passion shines through her and is unquestionable. She truly is an amazing human being and I am very lucky to be able to work with her and call her my mentor and friend.

Tracy Markey
Orchid Island Golf and Beach Club, Orchid FL

When I First Heard Jess Speak I Was Blown Away…. Not just by the quality of the her topic, but by the way she spoke and delivered it, how deep her understanding was and how she was able to get a whole room full of people to relate to her own stories. It’s very rare to find someone who will do anything to help people, and Jess invests so much into everybody she meets.

Ayla Harvey
Orchid Island Golf and Beach Club, Orchid FL

I Would Highly Recommend Jess to Anyone I Know…. With her extremely warm nature, Jess makes you feel very much at ease, as if you're talking to an old friend you've known for years. Which for me was really important when looking for a personal coach. The way she explains things and helps you see challenges from different perspectives was incredibly helpful for me. She gave me tools that I could use daily to help with my relationships and has been the biggest help in me learning to look at myself from a better point of view. Watching her speak in front of a room is always powerful, and coming away from big events with many speakers, her topics always seem to be the favourite amongst everyone.

Bekkie Clydesdale
Orchid Island Golf and Beach Club, Orchid FL